Book 9 — A Year of Magical Learning

Chris Sears
2 min readSep 23, 2022


Reflection Title — Life has a Rhythm and Polarity…Find Your Balance

BookThe Kybalion: A Study of the Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece by Three Initiates

Book DescriptionThe Kybalion is a book originally published in 1908 by “Three Initiates” that purports to convey the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus. A modern Hermetic tract, a central concept in the book is that there are “seven Hermetic principles, upon which the entire Hermetic philosophy is based”.


Learning 2 of the 7 principles of the Kybalion, rhythm and polarity, struck me hard when I first read this book as I happen to be in very polarized time in my life upon reflection.Life has polarity, meaning we have extremes. If we think of anything we encounter on a spectrum, like temperature for example, you have 2 poles like the extreme colds of Antarctica, the intense heat of death valley, and everything in between.

When my daughter passed away, if was unknowingly catapulted to the extreme end of pain, suffering, and questioning of life’s “pole”. I didn’t want to be there, I didn’t choose to be there, but there I was. How do you get back from an extreme? Well that is where the rhythm of life comes into play. Life will naturally swing you back carrying all the momentum from where you came if you do nothing. If you go to the extremes one way, chances are you will find yourself swinging all the way back to the other end of the pole with all that momentum. Such is life.

If you like the wild swings, strap in and enjoy the ride as I’m sure the universe will give you all you can handle if you let it. If you are like me and would prefer to never go to the extremes again if you had the choose, that is where finding balance and harmony become the magic key to maintaining your rhythm and protecting yourself from the poles. I think humans throughout history have discovered the principles of polarity and rhythm and discovered they didn’t like it much either. Their attempts to control it have been through things like religion, meditation, medicine, drugs, etc. to find their balance. My way of controlling the rhythm of my life is my core values. If I can keep those in harmony, I will find the balance I seek…I hope.

Question: What methods do you leverage to find your own balance?


What is The Year of Magical Learning? An Introduction

YOML Podcast Discussion — The Kybalion

YOML Bookstore The Kybalion: A Study of The Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece by Three Initiates



Chris Sears

Works @salesforce | Author of the book “I Can’t Imagine” | Co-Founder of | Dad to Emilia and Luca | Core Values: Balance, Endure, Learn, Challenge